Friday, 4 December 2009

Representations Used in Covers

Rebellion is usually portrayed and a common feature used on Rock music covers. From the CD covers I researched I found that rebellion was usually represented by references to death or twisting what is usually shown in religion and society.

Rebellion is also used in covers by turning something that was seen as peaceful and good such as flowers and then used the wraped around a gun which is connected to anger and violence. This attracts the audiences as they follow their own trends rather then what society want them to follow and this is a way of being able to rebell. For example they can follow goths or punks which is a sub genre that has been created from the introduction and the expanding of the rock genre itself.

Dark colouring and shading such as black/ white and greys frequently used.

Rebellion - skulls bones - crosses over to warning labels and is associated with warnings or dangours.

Trends - Rockers and goths

Dark clothing, cult like, rebellion agianst society.

Rock stars, known for 'Drugs, Sex and Rock 'n Roll'.

I will be using this on my album cover to attract audiences and institutions by using the forms and converntions of the rock genre.

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